Column: Bird Box challenge with a noise cancelling headphones

Introverted Bird Box challenge...

Technology you can shutdown from the world, but gives introverts the opportunity to withdraw in a technological bubble. That are two totally different things.

Introverted Bird Box challenge

I have an introverted personality. In contrast to what many people think, it does not mean that I shy am. What it does mean, is that the me energy to under many people, while extroverts do have energy. There is a big difference between things do not dare, and have a preference for situations without overstimulation. So I’m extra sensitive to noise.

It is, however, that unjustified on introverted people is looked down upon, even from an early age. When introverts are forced to extravert to behave, because that supposedly would hear and would be fun, that is rather unhappy than happy. As if extroverted is the ideal, in place of a different personality with its own pros and cons.

The fine of the consciousness of my introversion is that I myself can keep. Therefore, it is fantastic that more and more technological tools that introverts can use to withdraw.

Own world

Through technology, we come more and more into a private world. During parties, or dates to grab a lot of people directly to the phone if we just be left alone. In addition, almost everyone on the road earbuds or large headphones to own music or podcasts to listen to.

I see no problem in, but there is something to say for that this isolation continues to grow. How long it still takes until half of the passengers a virtual – or augmented-reality-glasses wearing? If I, however, have technology that introverts can help, then I do not have the means to get you to shut off the rest, but you pull back when you need it. That seems to be the same, but it is not.


I live in an apartment complex with fairly thin walls. I often work at home, where I clearly can concentrate better than in a busy office. At least, when it is quiet. That is not guaranteed. So have the one neighbors birds, are the other neighbours fans and I live on the ground floor near a pub.

No problem, it’s all in the. We live well once close to each other in this country, and then you hear things from each other. But at the beginning of this year I finally invested in a good noise cancelling headphone, and it is already the best purchase of 2019. With a press of a button disappears, the loud world around me, and I can undisturbed focus on a text, or even meditate on the busiest moments of the day.

I initially had my doubts about this purchase. Despite that I like periods am alone, it feels uncomfortable if I completely shut down. That is one of the reasons why I’m not fond’m on vr-glasses. Apart from the fact that I was already sick when I have to so glasses look, I can not stand the idea that I am not aware of my surroundings.

It will undoubtedly be something with evolution. If you find yourself completely shut down, you can’t easily react to dangers. Although I was in my locked apartment in a small town probably not suddenly by a tiger is being assaulted, can I have that feeling not of me shake off.

Bird Box

Of course it is not for nothing that movies such as Bird Box are popular, because suddenly, your senses lose is scary if you are dependent upon to be alert. Fortunately, it appears that the headphones are expected to fall. It’s not like I have a Bird Box challenge do if my hearing temporarily lost. I give myself, if I need it, the ability to get away from it all around me.

Meanwhile, companies have a good profile of my personality, and they are trying with ads me to continue in my personal, technological bubble to push. Instagram try me for example, since a week, an extra heavy blanket to lubricate that anxiety would decrease. In itself, that would be a good fit for my ruismachine to the night sounds to filter out, and my custom-made earplugs at parties with the neighbors.

But when I got this text just wanted to round off, I saw in Instagram a advertisement for earplugs in the night bears to help to fall asleep. These earbuds are called ‘Kokoon’. That’s suddenly very close. Stay out of my bubble with your cocoon, Instagram.

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26 January 2019, 14:40 | Views: 307

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